Appointment of SC-ST Committee

SC/ST Committee has been constituted in the Institute as per the statutory requirements to resolve issues related to the SC-ST Employees and Students of the Institute. The primary focus of the SC-ST Committee is to empower students belonging to these communities by implementing various schemes for educational purposes through institutional policies that promote social justice, economic welfare, and social defense.


Ensure Equal Opportunity and Social Justice to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes students by providing them equal opportunities in the fields of education, economic, and social security.

SC-ST Committee

Name Designation
Ms. Neha Chairperson
Mr. Samsad Member Secretary
Dr. Jyoti Member
Dr. Ashu Member
Ms. Reenu Member

The Member Secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairman, convene the meetings of the SC-ST Committee at least twice a year and on such other occasions as necessary. The agenda will be prepared with the Chairman's approval. One-half of the members shall constitute a quorum. If there is no quorum for up to half an hour, the meeting shall stand adjourned. In the adjourned meeting, members present will constitute the quorum and conduct the meeting.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Ensure equal opportunity and social justice for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes students by providing equal educational opportunities.
  • Ensure that students receive scholarships and other benefits from government schemes.
  • Organize extra coaching and remedial classes to bring students on par with top performers.
  • Ensure equality among staff and students through counseling and sensitization.
  • Regularly organize interactive sessions and informal meetings to address students' personal, social, and academic problems.

The SC-ST Committee aims to empower students by facilitating financial support from government agencies and other sources. Students are encouraged to enroll in career-oriented programs to develop necessary skills for career choices.

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