Books and Library

All payments, including fines regarding the library shall be paid in the college offices and receipt is to be shown to the librarian. Periodicals, newspapers and technical reports are not issued out of the library to anybody.  No transfer certificate or any other certificate shall be issued to a student until the books have been returned and dues outstanding against the student discharged. In case any borrowed item being lost, damaged or destroyed, you are required to replace them. Practice Good Manners! Any kind of food item is not allowed in the library. Only water bottles are permitted in the reading room. Private conversations, chatting, talking and standing may disturb others. Students should take care of the cleanliness of the library. Students should not disturb the arrangement of the library furniture, library resources, facilities etc.

NDLI Club Delnet

Additional Facilities

* Reprography
* Wifi service
* Previous year University Question Papers
* OPAC system

# Library Internship is facilitated at a reasonable cost.


Library Rules

The college has a well-equipped computerized library. It is well stocked The books, joumals, magazines and dailynews paperitor The students ar encouraged to make the best use of the library. The library remains open during the working hours of the college ie. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

  1. Identity card is compulsory while visiting the library,
  2. A student can get the book issued for a maximum period of 14 days
  3. The same book can be re-issued with the consent of the librarian if not demand
  4. The Librarian can ask a student to return the book before the expiry of time in case of urgency.
  5. The students will be fined Rs.2/- per day if they fail to return the books on time And even after one week, if they fail to return the issued book, then he/she will be fined Rs. 5/- per day. If a student is found defaulter continuously, the librarian with the approval of Principal, can debar him/her from using the library.
  6. It is the duty of the students to keep the books in proper place. They should verify the conditions of the books while getting them issued from the library. They should report about the bad shape or torn pages to the librarian immediately they fail to do so, they will be held responsible for the damage and will have to pay the full price of the book. If the damaged book is a part of a series of books. she/he will have to pay the full price of the whole set. The price will be charged as per the latest price of the edition.
  7. No student is to underline or tear the pages from the books.
  8. The books issued to the students must be used for their personal use only.
  9. The students are advised to maintain complete silence in the library.
  10. While returning the books, the students are advised to get the same struck off from the Identity Card.

Digital Initiatives